What Wrong With Football

What Wrong With Football, My Sports blog for November 2016

What Wrong With Football

What Wrong With Football


Football 2016

What wrong with football

What’s going on with the game of football?  Is it just me or has the game become a bit boring this year?     Don’t get me wrong, I love ‘football’, but something is missing this season.  Could it be that the TV football fans are missing!


Sagging NFL TV ratings leave owners scrambling for answers


It is the change in some of the rules?  This year there was a bunch of changes made.  It seems that the refs have been throwing the yellow flag on just about every play.   I know that the changes were made to protect the players.  But the changes are open to the interpretation of the rules by the refs and it seems that the refs have been a bit over the top.

It’s been so bad that not even the sports announcers know why the ‘yellow’ flag are tossed onto the field of play.  You have to wonder that if the announcers are struggling with the call along with the players and their coaches; how the fans are suppose to know what’s going on.

ESPN’s Sean McDonough Is The Bravest Man In Broadcasting For Ripping NFL Ratings And Officiating:


The one new rule that is really bugging me is the ‘taunting rule’.   Come on, taunting is what football is all about.  Catching the uncatchable pass, stacking the quarter back, making the touchdown and doing you thing in the end zone is the stuff the fans eat up.  We love it!  And instead on teaching the other guy, the one being taunted not to over react, they punish the winner.   It does seem to take all of the fun out watching football.

Baseball still allows taunting and so does basketball, again makes you wonder why football players aren’t being allowed to enjoy their ‘special’ moment in the sun.

Perhaps the problem in the amount of days that football is now being played.  You have college football on Friday and Saturday for the most part, then the NFL on Sunday, Monday and now on Thursday, that’s a lot of football.

NBC’s ‘Sunday Night Football’ has lowest ratings since 2011


Perhaps it just comes down to the quality of the games.  When you are getting blowout games in the NFL, you have to ask why.  Why are so many teams not playing up to the expectation of the team’s owners and their fans?

Are the teams being hampered by the excessive amount of injuries that have racked the NFL this year and if so, why are there so many injuries?  I don’t remember a time before this year that so many players were injured before the season even started.

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There is one additional reason, at least one that the NFL is blaming for the low TV ratings.   They are claiming that Fans are watching fewer NFL games due to protests by several players during the National Anthem which was started by Colin Kaepernick as the primary reason.


The fact is that TV ratings are down for football this year no matter what the reasons are. However, the number of people playing Fantasy Football has only slightly fattened.  That should make the NFL wonder why!

Also more women are watching football and the sales of women’s NFL sport attire is on the rise, which does seem support that, but fewer fans are actually watching football on their TV’s.

What should be a main concern to the NFL is that there is a whole lot less young adults watching football.  There are a few out there, but with social media, they are not confined to just their TV sets to watch football, they can peak at the games on their cell phones or Ipads while still enjoying a day out with friends and family.

Young adults are not totally abandoning the NFL; they are the reason for Fantasy Football.  But even Fantasy Football has seen a flattening out of participants this year,

Study: Growth Of Fantasy Sports Participation Flattens Out, Little Growth For DFS


With TV ratings down, advertisers will definitely want to roll back the hefty prices being paid to the NFL and the team’s owners.   The NFL and the team’s owners will probably have to play along with the TV sponsors and then find other means to make up the potential loss in income.   Raising ticket prices is one way, but ticket prices are at an all time record high in some areas already.

NFL ratings plunge could spell doom for traditional TV.


It will be interested to see how the NFL will adjust to this.  What changes will they come up with for the NFL season for next year?  There has even been talk about re-aligning the divisions that the teams are in.  They hope that this would help stimulate better competition between teams and thus gain new fans to the game of football.  There is also small talk about less games and a shorter season, then again there is also talk about adding more teams, which could mean more games and a longer season. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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